Polar Produce
Offload nip UM
UM 2009: International Festival of Experimental Intermedia. Lisbon, Portugal

UM 2009 team

Director: Teresa Dillon, Polar Produce: polarproduce.org
Exhibition and Production Assistant: Sanda Reit
Production support: Luísa Ribas, Catarina Simão, Lígia Teixeira, Margarida Mendes
Press: Luísa Ribas, Teresa Dillon, Luis Miranda
Translation: Paulo Raposo and Benedetta Maxia
Web and print design: Unit 60:unit60.com
Web programming: Seb Bacon
Local partners
Music Venue: ZDB and MusicBox
Talks and Workshop: Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Communication and Design Department, CIEAM and Multimedia Department
Press: Parq Magazine
Guest partners:
Music programmers: QuJunktions, UK: qujunktions.com
International partners: Digital Media Class, The Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin/UdK), Germany and STEIM, The Netherlands
Technical: Y-Dreams

Email UM: info@1um1.info

Special Thanks

Luísa Ribas, André Gonçalves, Margarida Mendes, Paulo Raposo, Gabriel Ferrandini, Jussi Ängeslevä, Ivan Franco/Y-Dreams, Isabel Nunes, Public Relations/FBAUL,  Prof. Sílvia Chicó, CIEAM/FBAUL, Prof. Maria João Gamito/Communication Design Group, FBAUL, Francisco Vaz Fernandes and Francisco De Almedia/Parq Magazine, Joachim Bernauer and Astrid Grabow/Goethe-Institut, Lisboa, Sérgio Hydalgo/ZDB, Alex Cortez/MusicBox, Rui Costa, Maile Colbert Costa, Mia Morikawa/Kapow Wow Objects, Mark and Chiz/QuJunktions, all the UM participants for their input, energy and positive vibrations and to the diamond star’s Timmy Lee/Unit 60 and Seb Bacon.