Polar Produce
Offload nip UM
UM 2009: International Festival of Experimental Intermedia. Lisbon, Portugal

Staalplaat Sound System-UM Festival 2009

Staalplaat Soundsystem, NL


Considered as a “delightful wireless symphony” (The Wire 2008), Yokomono, Staalplaat Sound Systems, mono erosive surround sound performance installation, was inspired by the experience of driving a car close to the Funkturm (Radio and TV Tower) in Berlin and passing quickly in and out of different radio signals.
The live concert version  of the work consists of 10 vinyl killers – toy car record players, each customised with its own fm transmitter. Each killer runs on its own batties, meaning the speed is unstable and it will slow down during the concert, the fact that the batteries run out will not only effect the speed but also effect the fm frequency that the killer is transmitting too. In addition, the killers are mono and have a low sound quality so can not really select a track or make it stop when you want to, its more putting the needle down blindfolded. The fact that that the piece is composed of 10 fm transmitters at the same time means that each transmitter is effecting the other. These interference and the unstable media that is transmitting makes the whole set unpredictable and hard to control, making Yokomono unique and adventures.

About the artists:

Staalplaat Soundsystem are Geert-Jan Hobijn sound-artists and founder of  Staalplaat Records; Carsten Stabenow curator, graphic designer, sound artist and founder of the german Media Art festival garage and Carlo Crovato artist and programmer, who also works under the name plastic-electrics.

Since its inception in 2000, Staalplaat Soundsystem has become know for creating innovative public sound works, often using consumer electronics and low-fi techniques, to create immersive and though provoking sound worlds. Previous highlights  include  ‘Floating Islands’ , a large sound/light installation in the Spree (The Netherlands),  a floating orchestra composed of fifty vacuum cleaners, plastic bottles and lights; ‘Sale Away’ a democratic piece that explored the influence of the public on the work; by simply using their mobile phones people were able to play a complex mechanical orchestra. There most resent projects collectively fall under the ‘Architectone’ series and specifically focus on sound art with public space, where the listener is directed to hear sounds they would normally not pay attention to or at least not always recognize as music.

Staalplaat Soundsystem has received many mentions and awards for their work, which has been showing works at several international festivals, museums, galeries and events like Avanto (Helsinki), Sonar (Barcelona), 798 South Gate space (Beijing), DEAF (Rotterdam),   Transmediale (Berlin), Ars Electronica (Linz), Todaysart (Den Haag), MOCA Taipei, Museeum Weserburg (Bremen), Townhouse Gallery (Cairo), Steirischer Herbst ( Graz), ZKM (Karlsruhe),  Khoj International Artists (New Dehli).


Staalplaat Soundsystem, DE/NL, Live Performance of Yokomono, UM Exhibition Opening Thur 12 Nov, 22hrs, ECV Fiat Garage (new space), Av. 24 de Julho, 60 [Santos], 1200-869. Exhibition runs to 27 Nov (Mon-Fri, 12-19hrs).