Polar Produce
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UM 2009: International Festival of Experimental Intermedia. Lisbon, Portugal

STEIM workshop-UM Festival 2009STEIM, NL – Building musical instruments: Practical Workshop

STEIM Foundation’s software designer Frank Baldé and Artistic Director Takuro Mizuta Lippit will present a workshop on physical computer instrument design and data mapping for music performances. In the workshop the focus will be on general techniques on how to approach instrument designing for computer music and creating ‘musical’ patches in the junXion and LiSa software.  Many examples and a number of interesting gesture mappings will be discussed and shown. Also during this workshop a basic explanation will be given of junXion, a real-world to MIDI routing application, and LiSa X, a MIDI controlled live performance audio sampler. Participants are encouraged to bring computer input devices – USB joysticks, gamepads, Wiimotes, and other HID devices and make them into effective musical instruments.

About the workshop leaders:

Frank Baldé is software designer at STEIM – the studio for electro-instrumental music, The Netherlands. STEIM is the only independent live electronic music centre in the world that is exclusively dedicated to the performing arts. Over the last twenty years, he has closely collaborated with with Michel Waisvisz, the artistic director of STEIM, which resulted in the devleopment of number of musical installations, objects and programs for live performance, including amoung others junXion, LiSA.
Within various artistic and live performance circles, juXion and LiSa, were some fo the first softwares to allows for sophicated and subtle, real-time manipluation possibilies. Frank also teaches at the Sonology department of the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. In recent years, he has done major development work on junXion, which now has become a very powerful tool to configure, reroute and process all sorts of input data like from joysticks, touchscreens, midi keyboards, open sound control messages, etc. into other MIDI and OSC data to control (mostly) audio software.


Workshop Details: 2 day workshop, FBAUL, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, Thur 12 and Fri 13 Nov. 11-17/18hrs. Cost: €140. Register at info@1um1.info. Advance booking required, as numbers are limited (15 participants. Mac computers/laptops required for this workshop).