Polar Produce
Offload nip UM
UM 2009: International Festival of Experimental Intermedia. Lisbon, Portugal

Jodi Rose-Singing Bridges-UM 2009 FestivalJodi Rose, AU/DE

Singing Bridges

Singing Bridges is an urban sonic sculpture on a global scale. Listening to the sound of bridge cables, the voice of each bridge is heard as an instrument for an expanded urban musical experience, a Global Bridge Symphony. Every bridge is connected to all other bridges through the vibrations in their structure. Stretching the boundaries of art and technology across geographical and architectural borders into a new acoustic form. All bridges resonate with a secret music, transmitting and receiving messages, codes and signals, heard in a series of concerts on bridges in multiple locations. Voice and vibration. Concrete and abstract. A sensual aurality. Immersed in the world by your ear.

This approach creates a variety of sonic interventions in diverse urban environments & documents the different approaches and experiences created by engaging with the local cultural practitioners and community in each place through a variety of performative, improvisational and musical techniques. Bridge stories, myths and metaphors are interwoven with abstract sound and movement.

Going beyond country borders, without seeking to collect and represent the sounds of each bridge into a structured hierarchy, or impose order from above in a singular artist composer viewpoint. Rather, gathering, amplifying, connecting and disseminating a multiplicity of voices in freely evolving form.

About the artist:
Jodi Rose is a nomadic artist and creator of Singing Bridges, an urban sonic sculpture using the cables of bridges as instruments on a global scale, using field-recordings, on-site interventions and improvisations in collaboration with artists around the world. Recently exhibited at CitySonics, ISEA, European Sound Delta, Pixelache, Transit Lounge & Liquid Architecture. Rose continues to explore the philosophical and musical aspects of cable vibrations through global transmissions and installations; developing a musical interface for model bridge instruments; bridge cabaret performance, on-site concerts, and activating the international bridge network linking bridges all over the world in a 2010 Global Bridge Symphony.

Jodi Rose, Singing Bridges, AU/DE: UM Exhibition, Opening, Thur 12 Nov, 22hrs, ECV Fiat Garage (new space), Av. 24 de Julho, 60 [Santos], 1200-869. Exhibition runs to 27 Nov (Mon-Fri, 12-19hrs).