Polar Produce
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UM 2009: International Festival of Experimental Intermedia. Lisbon, Portugal

Computional Ways of Seeing-UM Festival workshop 2009Computational Ways of Seeing – Concept Development Workshop

Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä, FI/DE

Building on the talk that Prof. Ängeslevä will give on this area, the practically workshop addresses the wider context of “what happens” when we apply computational principles in the design of everyday objects. Computational thinking doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write computer programs, but instead, understanding algorithmic ways of creating things, creating feedback loops in the real world that gradually change our surroundings, and react in a genuine fashion to the surroundings.

During the workshop, we will start with discussing these principles, and proceed to sketch concepts and ideas to test them. Either in the form of rudimentary working prototypes, program sketches, hand drawn storyboards or video scenarios, we try to understand and decipher how we can design more elegantly and perhaps more impressively using computational thinking.

About the workshop leader:
Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä balances between education, research and industry, holding guest professorship at the Berlin University of the Arts and working as Art Director at ART+COM design agency. Ranging from novel interaction design research to physical installations and architectural media, his work exists in publications, prototypes and patents as well as high profie installations in public space.

In parallel, his independent artistic work has been widely recognised in international exhibitions and awards such as Siggraph, ZKM, Venice Biennale, RSA, NESTA, D&AD, Prix Ars Electronica, ADCE and BAFTA. His design work and art direction for ART+COM has yielded in 2008 an Art Directors Club New York Silver, Deutschen Designer Club Gold and Red Dot Grand prix awards.


Workshop Details: 11-17.00 hrs, FBAUL, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 13 Nov. 11-17hrs. Cost: €50. Register at info@1um1.info. Advance booking required, as numbers are limited./br>